Policies, Presence and Rites of Passage

Policies and Presence and why 5 Minutes early is the new On Time 
Just a quick FYI on the Tardy policy for us all- 

Our tardy policy is designed to give every class member the best student experience possible. 

Think of the studio as your Dojo; we enter with respect and reverence, in body and mind, present and ready to move when the class begins.

To ensure ample time for sanitizing the studios, we moved to 45 minute classes. We found allowing for late entry detracts from the instructor and student flow of attention, eats up precious time, and detracts from the overall experience we offer at Pilates V studios. In addition, safety is our number 1 priority, and a harried student often overlooks the safety setups we have in place.

Imagine you have a class of 9 students, 8 of whom are in the studio and have begun your class with some calming and centering breaths and movements.

When someone arrives to class running late, there is a bustle of energy, hurrying and maybe even a slightly frantic vibe that interrupts the flow of your practice, your attention, your breath, and that of the space.

If it's a v1 class and a new person, it will likely eat up even more of your instructor's attention as it becomes an even greater safety issue.

I study the Neurobiology of optimal experience and research shows that when there is an interruption of that sort, it takes an average of 15 minutes to get centered and fully present again. That is 15 minutes of your 45 minute class time when your class experience is not optimal. 

We understand things happen; traffic, a meeting runs overtime, we know. It happens to all of us.

We do however, strive to have safe and enjoyable experiences in our studios, and our Tardy policy is one way we uphold that for you. 

We understand this may be frustrating at times; it is frustrating for your instructors to uphold as well, 

With all this in mind, this is our ask of you-

Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into the studio space

Your words matter. Your behaviors matter. Our students and our instructors matter

Take a slow, deep breath, and thank you for bringing positive energy

Rites of Passage

I want to invite you to join our Community Classes and support our new interns, who are “graduating” into teaching regularly scheduled classes! 

Our intern program was developed as a way to overcome the entry barrier to becoming a Comprehensive Pilates Instructor, which is time consuming and can be expensive. 

This year we are proud to have a group of 7 women Interns, who are all successful professionals in their own rite, who LOVE Pilates and Pilates V and have a passion to share it with the world. They have been studying diligently, and are now ready to move into the next stage of their new career, teaching.

Community classes are like a dress rehearsal, where they begin their journey into the teaching realm. As a veteran instructor with over 35 years experience, I’m enthralled with the idea of these women starting a new journey into a profession where I can honestly say I feel like I’ve never worked a day in my life. 

Your presence, your support and your feedback help to hone our intern’s skills and support them to step fully into their next adventure!

Thanks for reading and remember to STAY VIBRANT!
