What if I told you there is an incredibly powerful exercise that has the power to shift your state almost immediately?

This exercise has the power to positively affect your blood chemistry and nervous system. It boosts digestion, eases your heart rate, decreases stress chemicals and enhances sleep?

 And these are just a few of the positive effects.

You are, in fact, doing this exercise right now. Breathing.

BREATH is the first principle of The Pilates Method, and when done correctly, it has the potential to beneficially affect your mental and physical health. 

We all know how to breathe, right? Well, yes and no!  Because the breath is part of our autonomic nervous system, it's automatic, which means we don’t have to think about it; it just happens. 

For instance, imagine a car quickly brakes right in front of you. We automatically inhale and hold our breath, which sets off a cascade of stress chemicals that help us deal with the immediate danger. The trouble is, most of us are breathing this way all day and you can imagine what that does to our minds and bodies and ultimately our lives.

Now imagine you’re out on a dinner date with someone you love and care for, and they lean into you and whisper “ I love you’. We automatically exhale, our nervous system calms, our heart opens, and we feel warm inside. Imagine what that does to our mind and body and how that affects our lives. 

The good news is that we can learn to control our nervous system and our brain chemistry through our Breathing. Joe knew this, likely through his study of yoga and working in the circus, and that is why it is the FIRST principle of The Pilates Method.

Personally, I have practiced conscious breathing for over 30 years. I ALWAYS set an intention for each and every class I take, and often my most challenging classes are when I decide to focus just on breathing through the entire class. I let go of all the ideas of perfect technique or “getting a good workout” and I focus on getting the incredible high of breathing consciously and fully for a full class session. Rewarded with that inner glow, I walk away feeling relaxed, yet energized, deeply steeped in The Pilates Way. 

We’ll be deep diving into the Pilates Principles in our upcoming Vibrant Wellness program and we’ll be focusing on training the exercise of breathing in our scheduled classes and in specialty workshops as part of returning to the roots of our Pilates practice. 

Join us as we take our Pilates practice to the next level, and get that Vibrant Glow for yourself.
