Happy Spring to our entire Pilates V Family! 

A BIG THANK YOU and congratulations to everyone who participated in the Spring into a New You Challenge! It’s fun to see all of those stars stacking up, and to see your participation in our Commit to You in 2022 programs! We have more to come throughout the Spring and Summer, so stay tuned for some fun new challenges and learning opportunities.  

Can you feel the spring surge of new energy coming forward with the change of the season? We sure can! This year, Spring marks a time for growth and expansion for Pilates V Studios, as we set our sites on new adventures. We’re expanding our business into areas with new growth opportunities starting in Reno, Nevada in 2022.

Meanwhile, we’re continuing to grow and strengthen our Bay Area studios with amazing instructors, more opportunities for you to deepen your Pilates practice and more ways to Commit to You in 2022. 

What’s on tap? Workshops! Easter Fun, National Pilates Day, and some fun Pilates with a twist classes! Stay tuned in, and stay Committed to YOU and we will too! 

Springing forward with YOU in 2022!

Mimi and the Pilates V Family Team
