This year’s tagline came from a Mantra I’ve used with students and instructors for many many years; “Consistency is key”.  But what does that mean? 

I first became aware of the role consistency played in my fitness and wellness when I started practicing and then teaching Pilates in the early 1980’s. I noticed that, if I practiced Pilates 2 days per week I would maintain what I had built, and if I practiced Pilates 3 days a week, I would improve, but if I was inconsistent with my practice, I would lose momentum and it would be like starting all over again. 

In that way, INCONSISTENCY acted exponentially in that I LOST not just that day’s worth of workout, but weeks and even in some cases months. Think of it as 1 step forward and 4 steps back. 

But CONSISTENCY works in just the opposite way. Consider it like compound interest. Small steps consistently day after day creates momentum that eventually snowballs into something bigger than each step along the way. 

This is because our physical, mental and spiritual health is built on consistent, reliable habits and patterns. When we build trust, reliability and accountability into our own self image, through consistency, we become more than the sum of our parts.  Think of this as 1 step forward each day compounds into 4 (or more)  steps forward over time.

Trust me, I know this to be true because I have practiced this concept for many many years.

So, what does it take to build consistency into your character in 2023? 

Have a goal - You need a target to know where you’re going and you will want to know WHY you want to go there. So, what do you want to work toward and what can you SEE yourself accomplishing in 2023. What do you want for yourself in 2023 and how can your practice at Pilates V help you achieve that?


I am going  to achieve my highest level of fitness ever in 2023 

I am going to “show up” for myself by practicing Pilates at least 3 days per week consistently in 2023

Chunk it down - Make a plan. What are the steps to achieve your goal? 

Create your recipe for consistency so all of the ingredients are in place to support your goal.

Schedule it - put it on your calendar as a non negotiable (remember your why) and schedule rewards for reaching your goals.

Pay for it in advance if you can- committing your funds is a way to support you in getting to class when you don’t feel like it- you’ve paid for it, so go.

Find an accountability partner or group - show up for them if you’re having trouble showing up for you!

Show up for yourself and your community - Build trust in yourself and in your community by showing up even when you think you can’t or when you really don’t feel like it.

Showing up doesn't mean you always have to be 100 percent, it just means you get yourself to class and show up for whatever you can do at that moment. It's about consistency, not perfection and small steps over time. 

Sometimes this calls for a certain amount of Grit, which by the way, you can train yourself to get more of over time by practicing it. 

Finally, when your fellow students see that you show up, even when you're not 100%, even when it's hard, even when you don't really feel like it, it may inspire them to do so as well.

Consistently acknowledge your progress - frequent feedback feeds our rewards system and also shows us where we can improve, so reward yourself with something meaningful often and make course corrections when needed. 

 It's like getting a gold star in your own way. If you have an accountability partner, do something meaningful together!

When you see your classmates consistently, applaud them and acknowledge their dedication!

Showing up for yourself by building consistency into your character offers you the opportunity to take advantage of the compound interest concept. Whatever you want for yourself in 2023, apply the concept of consistency and watch your dreams become reality. 

This year the entire Pilates V team will be partnering with you by practicing consistency together to bring you next level class experiences, workshops, and opportunities.  
